When the weather starts to warm up many hedgehog owners are tempted by the thought of letting their hedgehog go outside, but is it really safe? The great outdoors can be an exciting but sometimes dangerous place for your hedgehog. Don’t let that scare you off though!
Your hedgehog can indeed play outside the house in your back yard with heavy supervision. There are a few precautions you need to take first to make sure your prickly friend stays safe while exploring beyond its cage.
Hedgehogs love exploring and tunneling so playing in the grass outside is a great source of stimulation during the summertime! Here’s how to stay a few steps ahead of your curious hedgie and keep them from getting into any trouble while having fun outside.
Letting Your Hedgehog Play Outside

Before you let your hedgehog go outside for the first time it’s important to “hedgehog proof” the area you plan on letting your pet explore.
Check the space for holes your hedgehog might try to burrow in, garbage or other material they may try to eat, or sharp objects that could cause injury. If you plan on letting them walk on a deck or patio make sure the surface is not too hot or cold to the touch. If it’s too hot to rest your hand on for a few minutes it’s way too hot for your hedgehog. And on the other hand, during the spring or early summer months, the air temperature may be comfortable but the ground is often still too cold.
What Temperature is Safe For a Hedgehog to go Outside?
The air temperature needs to be at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 Celcius). You also need to make sure the ground is not cold to the touch or overly wet. You can take your hedgehog outside sunny days but make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time as this can be damaging to a hedgehog’s eyes. It’s also just plain uncomfortable so make sure their play area is amply shaded.
Overcast summer days are a perfect time to let your pet play outside as it’s warm but not too bright for their nocturnal eyes. You can also just make sure they stay in a shaded portion of the yard or use a beach umbrella to keep your hedgehog comfortable.
Hedgehog Playpens for the Outdoors
If your hedgehog leans towards the sedentary side or just isn’t that hyper feel free to let them roam without a pen. My hedgehogs have always been slow and methodical explorers so as long as you follow their adventuring very closely you can easily keep them safe and sound.
If your pet hedgehog is a runner, I recommend setting up a playpen in your yard like the one below. I’ve seen hedgehogs who could cross an entire room in 5 seconds flat, now imagine letting a speedy hog like that loose in the yard and taking your attention off them for a few seconds. Save yourself some trouble and invest in a playpen to prevent any escape acts.
Never underestimate the determination of a hedgehog on an exploration mission! If you’ve ever had a hedgehog pull a disappearing act during playtime in the house you know exactly what I’m talking about, they can be surprisingly sneaky at times.
Some hedgehog owners use baby pools to contain their hedgie while it plays outside. I personally think that defeats the purpose of your hedgehog being outside since it has no access to grass/leaves to explore but it is a good way to ensure they have zero chance of getting into trouble.
Outdoor Dangers for Hedgehogs
Here are a few more factors to keep in mind in while letting your pet play outside:
- Make sure your yard has not been sprayed with pesticides
- Watch out for wild insects your hedgie may try to eat
- Have your vet check a fecal sample for parasites during your hedgehog’s yearly checkup if your hedgehog has played outdoors.
- Keep your hedgehog away from holes they may try to burrow into
- Never let your hedgehog eat unknown materials while outside
- If they hunker down or try to go to sleep it’s time to go back inside
- Don’t let your hedgehog near ponds, pools, or puddles
- Keep your pet away from sharp objects like sticks, wires, or metal
- Don’t let them climb anything too high to prevent falling injuries

A few more things to keep in mind when letting your hedgehog outside
This goes without saying but, never leave your hedgehog unattended while outdoors! Your hedgehog could discover a gopher hole, find something dangerous to snack on, or have an encounter with a wild animal (unlikely to happen but could be potentially fatal).
Hedgehogs love to lick, chew, or bite anything new that they come into contact with so it’s likely your pet will try to chow down on or at the very least taste the grass in your yard. My hedgies frequently anoint themselves after playing in the grass which is harmless.
If there is no risk of pesticides or any variety of spray your hedgehog will not be harmed by tasting a little grass. If they start to eat a substantial amount of foliage you should step in and re-direct your hog’s attention. Even if your yard has not been sprayed, eating vegetation may upset your pet’s stomach.
Once playtime is over consider giving your hedgehog a bath if they’ve collected a noticeable amount of dirt. It’s very unlikely that a hedgehog could pick up mites or any parasite while playing outside but I still recommend you give them a quick wipe down with a wet washcloth just to be on the safe side.
Need help keeping your hedgehog busy while they’re cooped up inside during the colder months? A good exercise wheel is one of the most important accessories to buy for your hedgehog! Check out our guide on picking out a hedgehog wheel to learn all our tips and tricks 😎